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Company Values


Curiosity - Questions, questions and more questions!

Objectivity - We try and make things black and white in a world full of grey

Reducing Bias - Cognitive biases play a role in everything we do. Being aware and questioning ourselves aids in process.

Transparency - It builds trust, and we need yours in order to achieve together.


About Our Surveys

How and where do we get our data?


We survey our partner clubs on a national level every other Monday. 

How long are the surveys?


Each survey has 10 questions, usually multiple choice.

When do I get the results from the surveys?


We notify our partner clubs on Thursdays, three days after the survey was sent out, that results are ready to be viewed on the private side of along with any other emerging trends.

How long would I have to complete each survey?


After sending the initial survey on Monday, each partner club has until Wednesday to complete the survey. If you have not filled it out by the Wednesday morning, we will send you a gentle reminder that Wednesday is the last day to fill it out before results are generated and sent out Thursday.

What happens if a partner club misses a survey?


The partner club is then banished from Just kidding! We know how busy everyone is, partner clubs however cannot skip any more than two consecutive surveys to maintain access to the results posted.


I'm curious about some industry info you don't have, can I request a question to be asked in the survey?


You sure can! We encourage our partner Clubs to send in question requests for the surveys. Given the brevity of each survey, we will do our best to accommodate each request for the next week. The deadline for requests is the Thursday before each other Monday, when the survey goes out.

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