Looking at industry dues increases for 2023 alone just wouldn't tell the whole story. It's more appropriate to take a two year outlook because of the inordinate level of volatility clubs have been facing. Many clubs that were projecting a 10%+ increase for 2023 had a standard 1-3% increase in 2022 and clubs that increased dues 5-6% in 2022 were going forth with another 5-6% increase for 2023. So, if you had a tough time selling a large increase to your board this year and came off of a negligible increase in 2022, know you were in the majority! (Nov 2022)...
In part one of this review we noticed member inquiries were up compared to the previous year. It looks those inquiries didn't let up all season. In July, we asked how they compared to the spring assuming it had levelled off, well you know what they say about assuming...
Less than 10% have any EV charging stations but with 20% considering it for 2023 this number is sure to grow. We'll keep our eye on it as I'm sure it would be good to know what the operational costs will be after putting them in play and if that will be absorbed by the club. In addition, how many stations clubs are installing at a time would be interesting (July 2022)...
Am I the only one that's wondered this? General office employees of all industries want to remain working from home, first and foremost, because of the commute. I know many use a commute as time to wind down but it can add stress with traffic and additional time away from home. How does your travel time compare? (July 2022)...
Succession planning is always important and with intensified labor challenges these days it may be tough to be proactive on this front. I'm impressed to see 70% of clubs actively planning for the loss of a department head vs a mere 21% not prepping for it (July 2022)...
How many outages or disruptions are there in a given year? May be a question for this new year. Even one could necessitate a generator depending on when it hits. A question I would have never thought to ask but very relative to capital planning and member service interruptions (July 2022)...
It's such a competitive labor market these days. Employers don't have the leverage they used to and we aren't exactly in an industry with overwhelming automation capabilities. As a result clubs have made big adjustments in wages. Here's a high level look at how much banquet staff were making in August...
I love this cost indicator. I don't believe in an apples-to-apples comparison as you can never account for enough context and nuance however we do need some benchmarking and indexing, and this one is pretty relevant to all in golf (Aug 2022)...
Hours of operation have changed as we see in the next data bite, however what about total days open? Holidays are typically celebratory days at the club that include festivities but I'm curious if clubs have closed to give staff a reprieve, particularly around the end of the year (Aug 2022)...
When a Club Leader wanted to ask how many had changed their hours due to staffing challenges I had no doubt it would be a few, not almost half! But perhaps hours had gotten too expansive and this was an overdue correction for many (Sept 2022)...
Average GM tenure is just over 4 years, but how does that correlate with the length of time they expect to be at that club they're at after being hired? It seems expected tenure is longer than actual tenure (Sept 2022)...
Imperative to add to your knowledge base? Maybe not, but I'm sure some are keen to learn it (Sept 2022)...
There were many different reasons that came in when we asked you why you thought Club Managers get shown the door and we did our best to summarise into these top two reasons. Eventually, we'd love to ask Club Presidents and Boards the same question (Sept 2022)...
Isn't member attrition historically around 5%? Well, it's down, almost cut in half in fact. Bound to head the other way in 2023, right? (Nov 2022)...
Of course, there are some clubs that don't host weddings. For those that do, here is a quick breakdown at how many (Nov 2022)...
Board orientations are likely more commonplace than a President orientation. Many clubs see value in an individual orientation with their incumbent as well. Have you introduced this lately? You're welcome to comment on this or any of the data below (Oct 2022)...
We hope you found this info valuable. What else do you want to know for 2023?
You may have noticed we've introduced a subscription for 2023. This comes with full vs partial access to bi-weekly results, mid-management comp survey results, access to this blog that will guest contributions and will go private soon, a forum and chat groups for you and your staff to connect with club staff around the globe. We're excited about 2023, come in and be a part of our community!
Ryan Tracy, PGA
59club Study
59club USA